2010-11 Bluebonnet Nominees

2010-11 Bluebonnet Book Nominees

Applegate, Katherine. Home of the Brave

Home of the Brave, by Katherine Applegate, is about a young boy named Kek in the fifth grade who is moving to America with his cousin and aunt. His mother and father had died during war, that's what he thought. He goes to school and gets a new best friend. His aunt’s dishes were dirty, so he thought that he needed to wash them in the washing machine. The dishes broke and he had to find a job to pay his aunt for the dishes. He works at a small farm with a cow he named Gol, which means family. He works until he can pay back his aunt, and takes Gol to the zoo. Dave, his exporter, tells him that his mother was at the airport. Was she there?  Read the book to find out. (by Jadia S)

Brown, Don. All Stations Distress! April 15, 1912: The Day the Titanic Sank
The book All Stations Distress is about how the Titanic was the biggest and most advanced ship in its time period. It tells how the Titanic sank. There was only one survivor. Can you believe out of millions of people only one survived? (by Madelyn)

Claflin, Willy. The Uglified Ducky: a Maynard Moose Tale
This book is about a baby moose who thinks he is a duck.  He is hopeless, he cannot waddle, he cannot swim, he cannot “quack” and he cannot fly.  It is sad, but it is also funny.  You must read this book to find out what happens to Maynard, the moose.  (by Karla)


Crowe, Ellie. Surfer of the Century: the Life of Duke Kahanamoku

Duke Kahanamoku is a true story about a man fom Honolulu who received six medals.  He is the father of modern surfing.  He is famous, modest and great swimmer and surfer.  Read this true story. (by Luis)

Deedy, Carmen Agra. 14 Cows for America
The Maasai tribe in Kenya gave 14 cows to the U.S. to show friendship and sadness after September 11, 2001.  The pictures are beautiful in this book.  (by Fatima)

Graff, Lisa. Umbrella Summer
Annie's brother dies and she is always sad and worries about dying.  A new friend shows her how to not be sad.  This book is not really about an umbrella.  It has a good ending. (by Oneyda)

Harrison, David L. Pirates: poems
This book is about famous pirates and the author was inspired by Peter Pan.  The pirates are strange.  (by Griselda)

Henson, Heather. That Book Woman
The book is  about a  woman who came to give books to poor people.   She gave them in winter, fall, summer   Cal didn't like to read, but his sister did.  He began to read and he liked it, too. (by Jahayra)

Jenkins, Steve. Down Down Down: a Journey to the Bottom of the Sea

Down, Down, Down: A Journey To The Bottom To The Sea by Steve Jenkins is about the different zones in the ocean and what animals are in that zone. This book is very informative on how much pressure the zone has. As you turn the page, you will get deeper and deeper in the ocean till you hit the seafloor.  (by Daniel)

Klise, Kate. Dying to Meet You: 43 Cemetery Road, book 1

I think that this book is a good book to read if I do say my self. Some of this book is about a man who is a great writer who hasn’t written a book in years so he moves in to a strange house to get inspiration. But there’s one catch he has to take care of a little boy with thehouse..  When the boy starts talking to a ghost and the writer does not believe the boy.  Than it just goes from there … read the book to see what happens. (by Justin) 

Maas, Wendy. 11 Birthdays

11 Birthdays is a story about a girl named Amanda and her friendship with Leo.  They celebrated every birthday on the same day, time, and place. When it was the year of their 11 birthday, they didn’t talk or play together because the friendship slowly died. When they woke the morning after their 11th birthday, they discovered it was still the day of their 11th birthday.  Every day after that day, they wake up and it is their 11th birthday again, they must solve the puzzle and figure how to stop it from happening and why.  Read the book to solve the puzzle of 11 Birthdays. (by Nhi)

McDonald, Megan. The Hinky-Pink: an Old Tale
Anabel sews a gown for the princess but the Hinky-Pink makes her sleepy.  I think that the book is not boring. I liked it because it seems so fun and interesting. Does Anabel sew the gown?  Go to the library and check it out. (by Giselle)

Moser, Lisa. Squirrel’s World

Squirrels World is about a Squirrel who tries to help his little friends Mouse, Turtle, and Rabbit. He sees Mouse getting food and tries to help him out, but he gets too much food he almost buries Mouse. Then he sees Rabbit who hates getting wet and wants a leaf umbrella. Squirrel helps out by trying to get a lily pad for an umbrella, but it was in a pond and he splashes around and tries to get it which made him get Rabbit wet. Last he sees Turtle, he helps Turtle play a game, Turtle sleeps while he hides. Even though he caused some trouble he is thanked after he helps rabbit a second time. Turns out he is afraid of the dark so, squirrel finds a firefly to help out. At the end, squirrel goes home knowing he helped a friend and they know that he’s going to be like that tomorrow.  I liked the book Squirrel’s World because it was funny when Squirrel helping his friends. (by Michelle)

Park, Linda Sue. Tap Dancing on the Roof: poems
These are sijo, Korean verse poems, and the last line is funny and has a surprise.  The poems are about every day things: breakfast, thunder, tennis, socks.  Even if you don’t like poems, you will like them.  (by Janoah)

Paulsen, Gary. Mudshark
This book is about a boy who goes to school. When people lose things, he could find them because of his photographic memory. That changes when the librarian gets a Psychic Parrot.  What happens next?  Read the book.  (by Xiomara)

Pennypacker, Sara. Sparrow Girl
Ming-Li decides to save the sparrows when the leader declares war on them.  She wanted to be a farmer but no one took her seriously.  She loves the sparrows.  Get the book to read about Ming-Li.  (by Aracely)

Rollins, James. Jake Ransom and the Skull King’s Shadow

Three years later, Jake and Kady receive a package in mail about their parent’s disappearance.  The package will lead them to their parents or give them a clue.  Check out this book because it’s very mysterious book, and check out and what causes their parents’ disappearance.  (by Fredy)

Rutkoski, Marie. The Cabinet of Wonders (Kronos Chronicles, book 1)

Petra has never had an extraordinary life. She has a spider that can talk, and the spider gives her advice. Her best friend has powers to trap lightning inside a glass. Her father is in a far away land in Prague, he has telekinesis to move metal. The prince has told Petra's father to build the finest astronomic clock in the world. One day her father returned home, he was blind. The prince had taken her father’s eyes. Petra knows that she has to go to the prince's castle and snare her father’s eyes. She will team up with Neel, with his ghostly fingers he can open lockets and get into pockets. Petra finds out that many people are very different than her and the astronomical clock has the power to destroy the whole world. (by Alexander)

Salisbury, Graham. Calvin Coconut: Trouble Magnet
Calvin is in the 4th grade and lives in Hawaii   I like this book because it is funny and about kids and school.  (by Jacque)

Yaccarino, Dan. The Fantastic Undersea Life of Jacques Cousteau
I like this book because it has beautiful illustrations and I have been studying about Jacques Cousteau.   This book helps me and this book is real awesome.  If you read this book, I bet you wouldn’t like it, you would love it.  (by Louis)