Monday, February 14, 2011

What book did you vote for to win the Bluebonnet Book of the Year? Why?


  1. I picked Dying To Meet You. Beacuse I love it how she starts off with someone whos really grumpy and ending up falling in love with a ghost. Also I love the drawings which are really cool. Thats why I picked that book.

  2. I voted for The Uglified Ducky because it's my favorite book.I like this book because I like the story and I like the pictures alot and it's easy to read.

  3. I voted for the book Dying to Meet You because I founded intertainning the book talks about mysteries that alout of characters in the book found.

  4. I think “The Uglified Ducky” because to me it’s a pretty funny book.

  5. The book that i vote for was "Dying To Meet You" because it is diary. Diary is my favorite genre. The book is pretty good.

  6. I voted for Dying to meet you.I voted for dying to meet you because is a very intresting
    story that I like relly much,and because I like
    all of the books of kate klise.
