Thursday, January 6, 2011

Which Bluebonnet book would you change the ending? How would you write the ending for that specific book?


  1. I would change the ending on the "Uglified Ducky". Because the ending is not entresting so I would make it like moose would of never never found his family and find another moose to hang out.

  2. I would change the ending of “THAT BOOK WOMAN”. I would change the ending to when he starts liking to read, and I could change it to later on when he gets older his sister dies and he has a child with his wife and he reads to his child. When he is done reading he looks up at the sky and says “That Book Woman”.

  3. I would change ending of the book called “The Uglified Ducky” by Maynard the moose figure out by himself that he is a moose through different funny and strange trials so the story could be longer and more fun to read.

  4. I would change “The Uglified Ducky”. Instead of saying he found other moose and learning he was a moose I would put, he found his brother, and his brother will take him home. That’s how he learned he was a moose. That’s how I would make my ending.

  5. i would change the ending of the Bluebonnet book the Uglified Ducky to make the moose still be a duck at the end of the book.

  6. I would change the “The Uglified Ducky”. I would change the ending to instead of saying he finds other moose and learning he was one, I would put in when the ducks go to sleep and he would wander off and look for other moose that looked like him and got to see he was also their kind.

  7. I wouldif changed the ending of the ugly fied ducky because i dint liked that much the ending and i woldif make the end that the uglyfied ducky finds his real familly

  8. I could change the ending of the book “Sparrow Girl” by saying that the story took place on China, but instead of China we could change it to U.S.A. or maybe we could change it for instead of the animals being sparrows they could be some normal birds.

  9. My favorite least Blue Bonnet book
    The book that I don't like is the “Sparrow Girl” because for me it wasn't interesting and because it makes me sad when the people kill most of the Sparrows.

  10. I will change the story by sparrow girl saving all the Sparrows in the whole world.

  11. I dont want to change any they all are great books.

  12. I would change the ending to “Uglified Ducky”. I thought that he shouldn’t find his family he should have found a buddy to hag out with.That’s how I would’ve wrote the book.

  13. I would change the ending of “The Uglified Ducky” instead of him finding moose and figuring out he's a moose I want him to find his mom and dad and remember he was a baby moose.
