Monday, January 3, 2011

What is your favorite Bluebonnet Book? List three reasons for selecting this book.


  1. My favorite Bluebonnet Book is “Squirrel’s World” because it’s really easy to read and it has cool pictures, it’s also kind of funny since Squirrel tries to help but causes some trouble.

  2. My favorite blue bonnet book is Just Grace because it has easy words; it’s very, very funny because the teacher has three students are named just grace and they need to pick different names so one of the graces tells her she wants to be called just Grace so her teacher calls Grace Just Grace.

  3. My favorite Bluebonnet Book is “The Uglified Ducky” because a moose thought it was a duck. ……. I recommend this book because it is hilarious, fun to read, and have good illustrations.

  4. My favorite Bluebonnet book is “The sparrow girl” because it gave me a lot of inspiration so I was thinking about it all the time in my mind. It was like the best book I ever read before so entertaining. It had a girl that wanted to save the life of sparrows. When I read books its like in the world of the fantasy just like a wonderland. For me the book was looking like a really great story!thats why I love this book

  5. My favorite bluebonnet book is “all stations distress” because it is about the titanic and it is history and it gives you a lot of information. I recommend you to read this book. Just read it and the minute you start reading you will like it. Trust me you will like it.

  6. My favorite Bluebonnet book is surfer of the century because I liked surfing on oceans and surfer of the century it’s about a guy that won a silver meddle because he liked to surfed and also I think that the guy maid be famous and the book is awesome and that’s why I liked surfer of the century.

  7. My favorite bluebonnet book is tap dancing on the roof because it has very good poems that make you laugh and bring back memory's also because it has one of my favorite author's that made the book and because it is a really cool book.

  8. My favorite Blue Bonnet book is the “Uglyfied Duckling” my first reason why I like this book is cause it has good pictures, good writing, and it makes me happy when the moose finds the place where he belongs.

  9. My favorite book is Sparrow Girl
    Because their was a girl that did not what no of the farmers to kill the owls …………
    I recommend this book because I founded berry Interesting and a little sadness on the story

  10. My favorite bluebonnet book is “The Uglified Ducky” because the ducky is a little moose that was born and then the moose got lost and somehow he ended up with these duckies that were born too and the mom started yelling at him.

  11. My favorite book is “14 Cows for America” because it a wonderful story about people giving cows to America. Also that the cows are the only thing they got for food and shelter. The book is a true story that really happed 9/1/1 that’s why I like the story

  12. My favorite Bluebonnet book is, “The Uglified Ducky” because it is so funny. I love when the moose thinks that the duck is his mother. This story is good for little kids to read so, “Get Up and start reading it”.

  13. My favorite Bluebonnet is “All Stations Distress”. I was really interested in that book because I’m a really big fan of Titanic. I liked because told you how it was made and how it hit that iceberg. Also it said how many people where in the ship how many of them actually survived.

  14. My favorite Bluebonnet book is “Squirrel’s World” because it’s a very funny tale. I would actually recommend it to small children, like for 2nd – 5th. I have read this story and I just loved it. Plus it is actually a really short but interesting.

  15. My favorite Bluebonnet book is,” The Uglified Ducky “ because it was funny that the moose thought that he was a ducky and that his mother was duck .I think that this book would be a very good story to read and because it is funny and you will enjoy reading it!!!! I know I did.

  16. My favorite Bluebonnet book is “Dying to Meet You”. It has awesome drawings. It also has lots of good writing and I like how it begins by first having a grumpy man who comes to this old mansion and found out that there’s a boy living inside. She gets the idea of the house in the book from a real house which is really cool. I find the book very interesting.
    Jan. 12 8:35

  17. My favorite bluebonnet book is ’14 cows for America.
    I like this book it is beautiful and it is sad how people
    who need help ,help instead. I also like it because the
    caring people help and care,and my last reason is
    I like it because it makes you want to cry.

  18. My favorite Bluebonnet book is “The Uglified Ducky” I like it because a moose thinks he is an ugly ducky. I also like it because it is very funny cause the mom duck still thinks he is a duck and try's to teach him ducky stuff.

  19. My favorite Bluebonnet nomine is “Mudshark” .I was very interested because the boy is very talented but he’s not a nerd he has a photographical memory .He can find anything that you lose read the book and see what happens.

  20. My favorite Bluebonnet book is “Surfer of the Century” What happens in this book is that a guy named Duke learns how to surf at a young age. Then in his early twenties he wins a 100 meter freestyle race and becomes a six time metal winner. The reason I like this book is because it’s a true story and I like to read about people who surf and win metals.
