Monday, December 6, 2010

Tell me a little bit about the book that you are researching.


  1. I was researching about the book 11 Birthdays by Mass, Wendy and I see that it's a awsome book. It's a awsome book because it tells about a mystical life that keeps on repeating two birthday all over again! There are two kids that only know it happened and their names are Amanda and Leo. Because of them it happened they must work or celebrate together.

  2. Rutkoski, Marie The cabinet of wonders
    I like this book because it has people that were born with these powers and it mostly has a little bit of action like when the prince steals Petra's father eyes.The most best thing out of all is that Petra went to the prince's castle.Thats really brave.Though she finds out that her father created an astronomical clock and has the power of destroying the whole whorld.She finds a way to stop it though.This is the most amazing book ever why dont you try it.Just try it.

  3. Squirrels World is about this squirrel who helps his friends,Rabbit Turtle and Mouse.He sees mouse gathering food and jumps in to help he gets too much that he almsot buries Mouse.Next he sees Rabbit who hates getting wet wants to use a lily pad as a umbrella,but it was in a pond and he splashes around tryin' to get it and gets rabbit wet.Last he helps turtle play a game, Turtle sleeps while Squirrel hides. Even though all the trouble he caused he was thanked after he helped rabbit a second time. Turns out Rabbit is afraid of the dark and Squirrel gets a firefly to help. At the end he goes home knowing he helped a friend and they know he is going to be like that the next day loving him the same.

  4. Im reading about Trouble Magnet by Salisbury and Calvin Coconut.This book is about a nine year old boy who is getting bullied the day before his 4th grade class.Thats not all he gets his room taken over by a 15 year old girl who is the daughter of his mother's best friend.You can find the summary on google, thats were i found it.I like this book cause its funny, but I dont like this book cause it is a little too long and some parts are boing instead of funny unlike some parts.If you read this book i bet you, you would love it.

  5. I’m been reading of the uglified ducky its about a moose slept in a ducky nest then they show him how to fly,swim,quacking he find out he’s not a ducky wher dose he go? To find out read the book…

  6. the book that im reading is jake ransom and the skull kings shadow and its about an mysterious envelope arrives for Jake Ransom, he and his older sister, Kady, are plunged into a gripping chain of events. An artifact found by their parents—on the expedition from which they never returned—leads Jake and Kady to a strange world inhabited by a peculiar mix of long-lost civilizations, a world that may hold the key to their parents' disappearance. But even as they enter the gate to this extraordinary place, savage grackles soar across the sky, diving to attack. Jake's new friends, the pretty Mayan girl Marika and the Roman Pindor, say the grackles were created by an evil alchemist—the Skull King. And as Jake struggles to find a way home, it becomes obvious that what the Skull King wants most is Jake and Kady—dead or alive.

  7. Duke liked surfing and when he grew up and he became a good surfer also he won a silver medal.He grew up in Honolulu with the Pacific Ocean as his backyard, Duke Kahanamoku learned to swim and surf at a young age. By his early twenties, Duke's lightning-fast swimming won him a place on the 1912 United States Olympic team and a gold medal in the 100-meter freestyle race. Over the years Duke struggled with racism and financial troubles, but by the end of his twenty-year Olympic career, he was a six-time medal winner.

  8. I’m been reading of the uglified ducky its about a moose slept in a ducky nest then they show him how to fly,swim,quacking he find out he’s not a ducky wher dose he go? To find out read the book…

  9. man oh man that boy is having a whole bunch of problems

  10. im reaserching about 2 kids that their parents have vanished and 3 years later they get a pakege that can lead them to their parents disapirance.its a very intersting and cool

  11. The book The hinky Pink is about a poor girl
    who has only few days to make her dream come true. To sewing a gown for the princess to wear to the butterfly ball

  12. The book I reasearch is called the Hinky Pink and is about a girl name Anabel.Anabel is a young samstress that lives in Italy she has only a couple of days to finish her dream wich is to sew a gown for the princess.Every night the hinky pink keeps wrestling her bed cloths.I like this book because its so fun to read.

  13. The fantastic undersea life of Jacques Cousteau. I like this book because it as beautiful illustrations and I have been studying about Jacques Cousteau and this book helps me and this book is real awesome if you read this book i bet you, you wouldn’t like it, you would love it.
