Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Which was your least favorite Bluebonnet Book? List three reasons for selecting this book.


  1. My least favorite blue bonnet book is “14 Cows of America.” I don’t like this blue bonnet book because it’s to long for me. I don’t really like reading long books. It has boring pictures also for me. Of course that’s only my opinion. It’s not really interesting to me either.

  2. My least favorite Bluebonnet book is “All Station! Distress!” because it made me sad, there was only a few escaped from the Titanic, and it didn’t tell me all the information I wanted to know.

  3. My least favorite bluebonnet book is “Uglified Ducky” because to me it was too easy I think it’s for 2nd graders. I need a little more complicating book. But, the pictures are good though.

  4. My least favorite bluebonnet book is “Home of The Brave” because to me it seems kind of boring. One of the reasons its boring is because to me the background of the book seems kind of boring. Second reason is because its all about him being brave and that’s boring. And last reason is because it doesn’t have any interesting things to me.

  5. My least favorite Bluebonnet book “Tap Dancing on the Roof” because it’s really hard to make out what it means sometimes. I like poems but and the thing is the title, it never says anything about “Tap Dancing on the Roof” in the poems. One of the thing is I poems that rime not like “Tap Dancing on the Roof” poems.

  6. My least favorite book is 11 birthdays because i read and i got born onthe first chapter and i dint liked 11 birthdays.

  7. My favorite least Blue Bonnet book
    The book that I don't like is the “Sparrow Girl” because for me it wasn't interesting and because it makes me sad when the people kill most of the Sparrows.

  8. I dont have a least favorite book I love all of them.

  9. my least favorite book is pirates because when am reading It I don't understand ,it says a lot of poems that i don't understand

  10. I like all those books I dont have a least favorite.

  11. My least favorite Bluebonnet is “Mudshark” because for me I think it was way too long. Another reason was because it was really was not interesting. When I started to read this story I felt like this book was not really satisfying

  12. My least favorite Bluebonnet is “Sparrow Girl” because all it talks about are the sparrows being killed by the people. I think there’s too much violence when they start killing the birds, because the use lots of dangerous weapons. Well to me it’s my least favorite and that’s only my opinion.

  13. My least favorite book is “tap dancing on the roof”, because I didn’t really get the pomes and I didn’t really understand it very much. This book is still a good book to read it is just that I don’t like it very much, maybe you might if you like pomes this book just might be the Blue bonnet book for you.

  14. I actually like all the Bluebonnet books and the reason: they all seem cool and have good illustrations

  15. My least favorite bluebonnet book well
    I don't have one I like them all and
    each book has its purpose.

  16. My don’t have a least favorite book but really hate long books. Also I hate some like “14 cows for America” because it’s pretty long and kind of boring. Other than that I like all of them.
